Ai UltraSeal Washdown LED Lights are sealed, smooth, and durable enough to handle the most intense applications. The UltraSeal waterproof housing and unique engineering enables users to wash the lights completely free of food, dust, dirt, and other debris – without getting any materials caught in crevices or bolts on the face of the light.

IP69K Certified
Our BL245 UltraSeal Washdown Lights have gone through a strict certification process to ensure impermeability against dust and liquids in high-pressure washdown environments.

Pre-Engineered Scalability
Our washdown lights use the same 1”x1” scalable PCB design as our BLXXYY series, allowing for cost-effective custom sizes.

Compact and Flush Design
With a thickness of less than an inch, the UltraSeal housing and cord grip are smooth-bodied, providing a virtually crevice-free design.
* Patent Pending

Food and Beverage Ideal
The UltraSeal proprietary nickel finish is FDA-Compliant and resistant to corrosion, protecting against common caustic solutions often used in food and beverage applications. Suitable for use in “Non-Product” and up to “Splash” zones of food and beverage production.